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Wm F P Burton
No Weapons
So Near, So Far
Ignoring Warning
Night up a Tree
Living Stones
Gaol Bird
Queen of the Night
The Atheist
Out of a Horrible Pit

Wm. F. P. Burton

Who Was Willie Burton?

Photograph of Wm. F. P. Burton

Willie Burton, along with James Salter, founded the Congo Evangelistic Mission (CEM) in 1915. This man of God poured out his life for the extension of Christ's Kingdom, particularly in the Congo where he ministered for some 57 years.

He abounded with enthusiasm and spiritual energy, so much so that the Congolese called him "Kapamu", "the rusher-forth".

Line with three crosses

Elim Pentecostal Church LogoThe Church at Gun Hill is an Elim Pentecostal Church
Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance :: Registered Charity 251549 (England & Wales)